Temperature dependence of the axion mass: a case for master-field simulations

The axion is a hypothetical particle associated with the resolution of the so-called strong CP problem through the Peccei-Quinn mechanism. As dark-matter candidate, the axion is a rather special case in view of the fact that its mass is generated by the chiral anomaly in QCD and thus rapidly goes to zero at high temperatures.

The effect is an entirely non-perturbative one, which can, in principle, be studied quantitatively in lattice QCD. In this talk, the difficulties met in such computations are briefly exposed and it is shown that they can be overcome using master-field simulations. A sample computation is then presented, confirming the feasibility of such simulations and the rapid decay of the axion mass at temperatures above the deconfinement temperature.

Friday, 20 November 2020, ore 14:30 — Webex seminar