Event generators as precision tools for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)

During the ongoing third physics run, the Large Hadron Collider will more than double the amount of highly energetic collisions data previously recorded. This will result in a sensible reduction of some of the associated experimental uncertainties, challenging the theoretical predictions to keep up at a similar level. Controlling theoretical uncertainties at this level of precision requires a detailed understanding of strong and electroweak interactions at high energies and the ability to incorporate state-of-the-art theoretical calculations into the simulations of collision events, which are the ultimate tools that allow the comparison of theoretical predictions with experimental data. In this talk I will review the latest steps in the development of precise event generators, focusing in particular on the inclusion of higher-order QCD corrections in the GENEVA Monte Carlo, whose aim is to incorporate the three theoretical tools used for precise phenomenology (fixed-order, resummation and parton showers) into a single framework. I will also discuss how the precision reached by these tools might be beneficial both when new particles are discovered, e.g. to carry out precise measurements of their properties in order to establish their nature, but also as alternative avenues to direct searches.

Friday, 16th December 2022, 14:30